Build Your Coal Stock and Keep Warm This Winter
We are all facing hikes to our home and household bills this winter, creating an irreversible impact on our ability to enjoy the lasting days of a warm summer and autumn. To help ease this burden, and to empower our customers and clients to manage and control their own warmth, we are proud to now offer coal for sale in Essex – with products suitable for open fires, stoves, cookers, and boilers as required.

After all, what better way to give your home a warm welcome than with your very own self-managed and sustainably fueled fireplace?
The Essex Tree Brothers’ difference
Here at Essex Tree Brothers, we work hard to give our customers what they need when they need it. Starting our business from the ground up – literally – our foundational services lie in tree surgery and landscape management; however, as our customer base has grown and we have experienced more of what our local community needs, we have found a significant gap in the market for reliable, cost-effective coal deliveries and sales in and around Essex.
As a family-run business, we are able to keep our costs low which we believe can and will help families this winter as they take on the burden of paying rising bills and keeping their homes warm. Our coal range, which includes a slow burn product and a house fuel coal product suitable for providing plenty of heat in confined spaces, can be purchased as required or stockpiled – so that you never go cold this winter.
Heating tips for our customers
As well as stocking and selling coal, we are committed to giving our customers insight and advice on how best to heat their homes and save on energy bills as much as possible.
Here are just some of the tips from our team on how to insulate your home and keep warm this winter:
- Instead of letting a fire burn and go out, before relighting it, try and maintain the fire so that it doesn’t go out. This will use less fuel in the long run and will give your house more consistency in heat.
- Invest in soft furnishings which border your windows and doors, for example, curtains and draught excluders. These can help to keep interior spaces warmer and better insulated.
- Choose fuel which burns slowly and keeps the home warm for a longer period of time – for example, our anthracite coal product.
For more advice on managing your home environment sustainably and safely – saving you time, money, and the impact of a chill this winter – get in touch with Essex Tree Brothers to see how we can help.